Hang On

My brain has no more space to breathe
It's full and about to blow
Tried to contain the force within
The pressure’s too much, it exploded

Did you hear my thoughts?
They were screaming in the air
Nobody seemed to care
I sent a signal, a cry for help

Someone asked if I'm ok
My mouth said Yes but my heart's a big NO
The Fellow is not convinced, and asked again
‘Is something wrong? Do you need help?'

I paused to ponder,
Collecting my thoughts for the best answer
A resounding 'no, there's nothing wrong'
A lie, a mask to appear I'm strong

When nothing usually means everything
Everything just doesn't make perfect sense
Is this life a joke?
Tell me it's not co'z I'm about to choke

I got family and friends
A good-paying decent job
Activities left and right
But still uncertain where would all these lead to

Meaningless motion, created more inner commotion
Direction, I'm looking for direction
Yes I have a map, seemed easy to figure things out with a map
But somewhere in the middle I lost track

Map’s not enough,
I need a compass
Then I remember it has given up on me recently
My life’s compass is broken

I went to the repairman and have it checked
He said ‘it’s too late, you’re screwed’
Can I buy another one?
‘But darling it’s not for sale’

Now here I am
Feeling hopeless and blue
Yes something’s wrong,
I looked up and You just said, 'hang on'


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